Friday, 15 February 2019



       Computer is a system is an electronic device that it per formed tosh such as mathematical cal collation logical operation. scientific operation , statistical and bio me trial operation' computer always depends upon its data if its data is correct then its out put most be correct , this power of computer all so known as "accuracy" some computer unprofessional writing in his books that computer is on electron mechanical device .

      It is a word which is came torn Greek word "computer" an actual meaning at computer is to calculate hence people, usually considered a computer to be a calculating device has be that can perform arithmetic operation at high speed .

     Although the original objective of in venting a computer was to create a first calculating device we now define a computer as a device that can operate open data because more than boy of wore done by to day's computer so that is data process data can be anything .

       A computer is often called as a data proc war because it can store, process and re trying data when ever desired the name of data process is more in cursive because modern computer apt only computer in the usual sense but also framer other function with data clue to and tram them 

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