Sunday, 17 February 2019

What is System


What is system;-

System is a word which is came tram green word “system” Generally system means a unique job which is organized by some mechanical unit tor the purpose of a job system is a collection of several subsystem and each subsystem is a specific mechanism which produces a unique out put remember pure subsystem retro his action according to his nature for examples’ pen is a system then the nature for the pen is writing it car is a system ten the nature of the car is travelling it Computer is a system then the nature of the computer is logical developing .

            Components of computer:-

             Computers consist of 3 major components.

                      i            DATA
                   ii            PROCESS
                 iii            IN FORMATION

                     i            DATA

Data is a basic fact it is the most manta. Tory unit or basic unit of the computer data may be in any figure live word letter paragraph. Number special symbols and peaces What ever you can input in to the computer that is called as data the origin of computer is also called as data.

                  ii            PROCESS

Process is nothing but a contract under execution it is just like as an organizer by which the row data converted in to an in to motion.

            iii            Information

An end product of data processing is called as information. Generally information always produce a unique name over the data tor its popularity or publication. This type of cyclic redundancy of Len ten information technology or it or a machine

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